Does Hydra support Scala.js?

Yes, Hydra supports Scala.js out of the box. No special configuration is needed.

Does Hydra work with the Typelevel Scala Compiler?

No. At the moment Hydra supports only the vanilla Scala compiler. Support is planned, but prioritized based on needs. If this is a blocker for you, please drop a line at support@triplequote.com

Does Hydra work with Coursier?

Yes. sbt-hydra works with the Coursier plugin, starting with version 1.0.0-RC1. Read here if Coursier fails to resolve some artifact.

Does Hydra support sbt or Gradle or Maven?

Yes, Hydra supports sbt, Gradle, and Maven.

Does Hydra work as a standalone Scala compiler?

Yes, it can work as a drop-in replacement for scalac. However, we have not included a runner script yet. You could launch com.triplequote.hydra.Main and pass the same arguments as regular scalac. If this is a blocker for you, please drop a line at support@triplequote.com

What's the difference between sbt-hydra and sbt-hydra-legacy?

The sbt-hydra and sbt-hydra-legacy plugins are functionally identical, and both plugins serve the purpose of supporting compilation with Hydra from sbt. The difference is the actual sbt versions that are supported by each of them:

  • The sbt-hydra plugin supports sbt 1.3 and later.
  • The sbt-hydra-legacy plugin supports sbt 0.13.13 up to 1.3.

The reasons why we published two plugins are twofold:

1) sbt#5049 made it impossible to support with a single plugin the full spectrum of sbt release, and

2) sbt 1.4 has migrated to a new filesystem abstraction and expects that the compiler uses its internal classes (by casting back to their classes in sbt-specific phases added for incremental compilation). This change is not transparent to sbt plugins that hook into the sbt compilation machinery (as sbt-hydra does).

Therefore, starting with Hydra v2.3.0, we have published two distinct plugins to support compilation with Hydra from sbt.